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Garden Can Bouquet

Garden Can Bouquet


The perfect way to bring a touch of nature into your home or office! Each bouquet is carefully handcrafted by our expert urban flower farmer, who grows and harvests the freshest blooms and greenery right in the heart of suburban Olathe. Our flowers are grown without chemicals, pesticides or commercial fertilizers which means that when you experience our flowers, you are only experiencing...natural flowers.


Each Garden Can Bouquet comes in a repurposed, recyclable, 15-ounce sauce can, giving it a rustic, vintage look that's sure to charm and delight. The base of each bouquet is enhanced with aluminum foil and a bit of ribbon, making these arrangements perfect for gifting or displaying in any room of your home.


These bouquets feature a selection of small, vibrant flowers and greenery and will change as the season progresses, the pictures may not match what is available at this time. From delicate daffodils to stunning sunflowers, each bouquet is a unique blend of seasonal colors, textures, and scents that will brighten up any space.  The container is perfectly sized to fit in most vehicle's cup holders, freeing your hands and mind to concentrate on the drive back to your loved ones. 


Whether you're looking to treat yourself or surprise a loved one, our Garden Can Bouquets are the perfect way to add a touch of nature to your life. Order yours today and enjoy the beauty of fresh flowers.


PLEASE NOTE...we must confirm these orders before they are considered accepted due to the nature of our business. Thanks! All pickups are by prior arrangement and will be at our Olathe location.  (Sundays are never convenient for a pickup.)

  • Flower Care

    The bouquet includes our card detailing our floral bouquet care suggestions--we want your flowers to delight you for as long as possible!  Our blog article:  Keeping your Flowers Out Of the Trash is also recommended reading.

Excluding Sales Tax
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