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Meet Our Farmers

Welcome to the Family


Mr. Eric (Maintenance/Heavy Lifter/#1 Dude)

He is not afraid of hard work and proves it daily! We could not have asked for a better compost hauler, raised bed assembler or behind-the-scenes encourager! Any day that he can use his power tools--the louder the better--he considers to be a good day. He likes to affirm his carnivore side when he lights up the grill.

Ms. Dawn (Grower)

A country girl married to a dyed-in-the-wool suburbanite, she decided to stop trying to move back to the country and just "farm where you are." Dawn loves to talk about her garden to anyone and everyone, and likes to sit amongst the plants at the end of the day, watching the butterflies and bees get their last sips of nectar in before sunset. Her favorite flower? Whatever is blooming right now!

Miss Lovely Assistant

Miss Lovely Assistant is an invaluable aide in creating our social posts, performing garden chores, and chasing squirrels and rabbits off our plants with great regularity. One of her greatest kicks is to help select the spring bulbs order. Her mom says that her sense of flower fashion is the best on the property. Strawflowers and tulips are tied for her favorite flower.

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Photo Credit: Olivia J Photography

Meet the Team: Meet the Team
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